Words of Wisdom

"I want someone/ to read these words /and understand me/ for just one second/so I'm not alone/ with my thoughts."
-Christy Ann Martine

"Don't forget- no one else sees the world the way you do, so no one else can tell the stories that you have to tell."
-Charles de Lint


Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Intended purpose


so i've decided to start this blog and use it to get my work out into the open in a sense... I don't know how effective it will be or if anyone will actually read anything that I put here... but I guess it's the fact that i'm actually putting my work out into the public that is what i'm trying to accomplish here.. since those who know me know that I have issues with letting people read my stuff. I came to realize that the only way for me to get over that is if I let people see what i'm writing. so... yeah we'll see how this goes.


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