Words of Wisdom

"I want someone/ to read these words /and understand me/ for just one second/so I'm not alone/ with my thoughts."
-Christy Ann Martine

"Don't forget- no one else sees the world the way you do, so no one else can tell the stories that you have to tell."
-Charles de Lint


Saturday, November 17, 2012


This is a definition poem that I have been working on and revising for a while now, I hope people like it! 

Dark ness ∕≈∕ n. 1. What engulfs you the moment the light is turned off: what you see before your pupils adjust.2. this field of black,/this monster under the bed, lying in wait for the flick of the light switch/ this tingly fear in the back of my mind once I let my head hit the pillow,/ this invisible force, urging my eyes to stay open,/ the quivering of my small frame/ the rapid rise and fall of my chest, the frigid pressure creeping down my spine. 3. When the shadow in the corner of the room twitches ever/so/slightly./ it  begins to quietly slither closer and closer to my bed, and right when it gets close enough to see, disappears/ I pinch my eyes closed, trembling/ In this homey prison, waiting for morning to come.

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