Words of Wisdom

"I want someone/ to read these words /and understand me/ for just one second/so I'm not alone/ with my thoughts."
-Christy Ann Martine

"Don't forget- no one else sees the world the way you do, so no one else can tell the stories that you have to tell."
-Charles de Lint


Sunday, November 18, 2012

Fix Me

I cannot forget the familiar abuses,

from our fragile compromise.
I’m sorry I broke. For me
it’s so easy to come back
to you, and this empty room.
I used to wish we could stay
here forever: but things changed.
I could say anything at first,
 but now I bite my tongue,
to ensure you don’t explode.
All your practiced poses, now shape
my bruises and burned skin.
Like the room, I’m empty too,
Fix me,” I say, but you won’t.
You want me to stay: I can’t.

The bitter in me is bigger than us both. 

Another imitation of H.L Hix. I can't stop using his structure haha it's so addictive. this one is still a work in progress though

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